Amico’s COVID-19 Management Response.

Thank you to all healthcare and frontline workers for your hard work, dedication and resilience.

Amico Covid-19 Reponse

In order to maintain the health and safety of all its employees and all those accessing our offices and/or sites during the COVID-19 crisis, Amico has adopted a three-tiered approach which outlines best practices for company-wide office, office and operations and construction sites. The protocols, which include prevention, detection and rapid response measures, will minimize the impacts of the crisis and ensure business continuity across all facets of the company’s operations. We follow the World Health Organization (WHO), Province of Ontario and Canada’s Federal Government guidelines and direction. Our immediate response included communications on strengthening personal and facility hygiene protocol, job rotation and remote work alternatives, physical distancing practices, self-isolation (quarantine), travel restrictions and other site specific strategies.

Amico has been deemed a designated essential service by the Province of Ontario, and as such we have implemented the following company-wide measures to encourage physical distancing and proper sanitary protocol. Our approach is consistent throughout company facilities, offices and project sites. The measures highlighted below are a summary of our heightened standards, and does not encompass the full breadth of our guidelines and direction.



  • The Amico COVID Response Management Team: Representatives from every company functional group tasked to manage the company through crisis.
  • Where possible, employees to practice in office job rotation and remote work.
  • Restricting all air travel and non-essential business travel.
  • Restricting in-person meetings to only if necessary.
  • Improving physical distancing through the use of phone or video calls.
  • Asking all employees who traveled outside of Canada to quarantine for 14 days, as defined by Ontario’s Ministry of Health.
  • Employees returning after the 14 day quarantine are required to complete a Health Assessment to verify they have no remaining symptoms.
  • Providing information on how to minimize exposure through common sense approaches such as hand washing, sanitizing, responsible coughing, and remote work, where possible.



  • Strengthening IT services to allow for employees to work remotely – in-office employees have been reduced by greater than 50%.
  • Utilizing technology to minimize in-person meetings.
  • Increasing frequency of office cleaning and sanitizing of common areas (kitchens, bathrooms, work surfaces).
  • Working with suppliers and subcontractors to verify their COVID-19 Management Plans to ensure business continuity through the crisis.
  • Refraining from common greetings such as hand shaking and other physical contact.
  • Limit access and use of coffee machines and water fountains, and do not share personal items or supplies such as phones, pens, notebooks, PPE, etc.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using cleaning spray or wipe.


Operations & Sites

  • Alternating lunch hours to minimize employees in common areas.
  • Offering additional lunch and break areas.
  • Minimizing personnel requirement for site meetings.
  • Avoiding third party locations such as coffee shops and restaurants.
  • Utilize requisite Personal Protective Equipment and ensure it is discarded after use if it is disposable.
  • Adding additional vehicles to fleet to enable physical distancing and minimize carpooling.
  • Split work – working in separate locations on job site to improve physical distancing.
  • Maintaining or enhancing site cleaning for common areas such as bathrooms, microwaves, water fountains, etc.
  • Requiring all site subcontractors to at a minimum meets Amico’s heightened standards for COVID-19.