Amico Shortlisted for Two Major Metrolinx Works Packages

Infrastructure Ontario (IO) and Metrolinx have issued Requests for Proposals (RFP) for two major works packages for the Ontario Line: Pape Tunnel and Underground Stations and the Elevated Guideway and Stations contracts.

Six teams have been shortlisted and invited to bid on the packages, which are being delivered using a Progressive Design-Build delivery model. Shortlisted teams were selected based on criteria identified in the Request for Qualifications process that began in November 2022, which included their design and construction experience.

Amico is a member of Trillium Subway Partners for the Pape Tunnel and Underground Stations project and Trillium Guideway Partners for the Elevated Guideways and Stations Project. Amico is an Applicant Lead and Construction Team member for both projects.

For more information on both projects please read the full story.