Amico Infrastructures begins work on Dougall Ave

On August 26, 2019, Amico Infrastructures began construction to resolve one of Windsor’s most active sections of road for vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists. This section of road has been known for its tight confines due to the railway overpass — located just south of where Ouellette Avenue connects into Dougall Avenue — has historically made it nearly impossible for pedestrians or cyclists to find a safe way through the high-traffic, north-south road corridor. Finally, after years of studies, planning, and negotiations between the City of Windsor and the CN Rail owned property, plans to break the bottleneck have been put into action.

Part of the City’s active transportation network, the multi-use trails will connect to the existing trails south of the CN Railway and South Cameron Boulevard. Amico’s Design Team is led by Parsons Inc., with specialty design input from EXP. and landscape architect, McWilliam & Associates.

This significant infrastructure project is scheduled for a May 2020 completion date.